F Is Odd
F Is Odd,

Fisodd? What is this 'fisodd'?...

The pronounciation may be something like fizz-sod, but 'fisodd' comes from the observation that "f is odd", or more clearly: F is an odd number.

For many the idea that 'F' is a number just seems odd (as in strange), but for those who spend too much time working with the lower level interfaces in computing, 'F' is a perfectly valid number representing the value 15, which is odd (not even).

The phrase "F is odd" dates back to this author's time back in college, as a dual-major trying to explain to fellow students and faculty in the English department what it was like to be simultaneously working on a Computer Science degree.

Back then (in the time before personal computers were common) for my first job in "tech" I had lucked into a casual part-time position with a local writer and publisher, Ray Montgomery, who was transforming some of his children's adventure stories into interactive computer games. Ray had already done most of the hard part: squeezing an entire book's worth of text plus some game play to fit within the tight constraints of an Atari console.

Hex digits

Figure: An example dump of hexidecimal data.

Like most every first job, I was assigned the left-over grunt work. The main task was to review and verify all of the game's text messages, in their final compressed and encoded form. I would spend several hours at a time proof-reading line after line of hexadecimal digits, seemingly endless sequences that looked like 6c6f 6f6b 7320 6d6f 7374 6c79 206c 696b 6520 6a75 6e6b (except owing to the pecularities of the compression method, the encoding scheme used was even less directly translatable).

Needless to say, spending too much time looking at nothing but hexadecimal dumps of data does corrupt one's thinking. After days of checking hex codes and yet more hex, life back in the real world occasionally would be difficult. It is bad enough when roommates laugh because you talk as if there are 'C' eggs in a dozen. But things can get a bit tricky at the local store when you forget that dollars are always decimal and you act as if a dime is worth 16 cents. Explaining how to go between the two counting systems quickly became a necessary skill.

From this low-level start through to the current day, I often find myself bridging between people and their technological problems -- translating between the precise bit-denominated realms of processing and the more rough-hewn daily realities of this world.

And so, even now, I am still working to explain how and why F is odd.